After one week break I'm back with some new ideas! Some time ago Anna Popławska informed where to buy BINGO game on her Facebook wall (CLICK!). I immediately bought the game! Nevertheless, I was thinking about using the game to practise not only numbers but also vocabulary and grammar items. Today I want to share my ideas with you.
The first way to use the bingo spinner to practise vocabulary items:
All you need are your ordinary BINGO boards (my summer bingo boards available here) and number cards. You can download the number cards here. Distribute the boards and the bingo cards to your students. Ask them to put the cards on the vocabulary items. Students select the balls from the spinner and call the numbers. Then, they take off the number cards from their boards. The first student who gets rid of all the cards wins the game.
Prepare cards with pictures depicting vocabulary items you need. Each student/pair should have 6 cards. On the back of the cards write numbers with a whiteboard marker. Ask students to place the cards face down. Students select the balls from the spinner, call the numbers and uncover the cards. The first student who has all the cards face up wins the game.
The third way to use the bingo spinner to practise vocabulary (and grammar) items:
Prepare the boards (pictures below). Students select the balls from the spinner, call the numbers and uncover the cards. They name the vocabulary items or create sentences with grammar items written on the board. The first student who uncovers all the places wins the game.